About Me
- Name: Darth Daddy
- Location: Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
hmm about me ...My world turned upside down when I became a dad - and I never realized that it was upside wrong until then. My goal is to enrich, educate, and enlighten my sons life with all the knowledge I have obtained - so that they may take it a step further.
Previous Posts
- Another neat learning happening
- Missed opportunity, balloon party, and fallign off...
- Some "goings on" from the comment section
- An ear for music
- Almost a whole week- where'd the time go?
- Well, we have decided to enroll him in preskool. ...
- Another asshole speaks when they shouldn't
- Hope someone find this
- YMCA - the bad and the maybe good
- The new "working" grass cutter.
Blogs I Like
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At 3:18 PM,
Mike said…
Superman... I am your step-father?
At 2:14 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
The force is strong in this one. But we can defeat him with kryptonite!
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