Adventures of Darth Daddy

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Tuesday, July 20th, 2004

I can't believe it - I got stood up again for the damn TKD meeting!  She called in, found out I was there, and wanted to re-re-reschedule for later tonight (when it was more convenient for her).  I told her to go ahead and expect me, then I stood her up.  This is really not a sign of a good business.  Hate to let an office fuckup ruin things, but this is starting to look really bad for them.

On the good foot, I played music for the unborn tonight.  A nice selection - 'Heart of rock and roll' by Heuy Lewis, 'Arms wide open" by Creed, "Cleveland Rocks" from The Drew Carey show, and the Themes from Battlestar Gallactica, Star Trek (original), and Voyager.  The unborn kicked my hand a few times, but didn't wollop the speaker like Logan did.  Al says that this baby hasn't been as active as far as kicking, but tnds to reposition itself more.  Less kicking, more moving....weird.  Estimated 10 weeks to go. 

Logan's feeling better - he was still a little tempermental today, but nothing that can't be attributed to the cold.  We hung out today, and when the TKD meeting fell thru, we ended up playing on the mat area.  The Grand Master was playing a make shift game of soccer with some summer camp kids, and a female instructor (his daughter perhaps?) took Logan on the mat and played ball with him.  He ran UP the mat, DOWN the mat, AROUDN the mat...he was all over the place!  Laughin and giggling the whole time.. He's such a flirt when a pretty girl is around. While there is still a sense of respect when in the Dojang, it really felt comfortable being myself....a dad just running around after my laughing toddler.  Maybe one day he too will train here...that is if I can ever get an actual godam appointment !!


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