My blog - my reply
Ok - let's see if I can address these in order..
I hardly consider that I was "ranting". Discussing a topic, giving my perspective (one sided as it may be), but hardly ranting. If you want a rant, I'll bring up reverse discrimination and unfair protection under the law based on sexual preference. If a hetro gets into a fight with a homo over a parking space (and neither is aware of where the other guy like to stick little Pepito), the hetro will be charged with a hate crime, rahter than simple assault.
But, I digress - back to my replies -
As far an I know, it was not just the high schools that were required to post those signs. May be wrong here - I'll Google it later.
Free to condemn - hmmm - lets talk abou ttat one for a bit - Im not sure who said it, but I remember a quote that said "Freedom of speech is not only for speech that you like, but for even that which you disagree with". While I dont condone spreading hate , I DO feel that my child shoudl have a right to express his feelings, and state whether he sees somethign as right or wrong, IRREGARDLESS of whether you feel it is or not. Gays can be free to express their CHOICE - (we'l get back to this one in a sec too), but those of differing opinions will be punished for "hurting someones feelings".
Suicide rate: the loss of a child is a tragedy, regardless of any factor (like sexual preference). Ho wabout this - rather than blaming society (as many minorities do when looking to shirk responcibility), lets perhaps look at the factor of them choosing to follow a non-normal sexual lifestyle that causes them problems. Many people want to do shit that aint quite right in societies eyes - they need to deal with it, not chance society so they can be freaks.
CHOICE: Saying that people are "born gay" is the biggest crock of shit since "Read my lips - no new taxes". And exposing this variant lifestyle to teens and preteens only sets the stage for exploration and later regret. Wanna be gay? Fine. Be gay . Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up about out. I'd like to bang Pam Anderson, but I don't wear that on a teeshirt, or march in any "I bang Pam" parades, or whine and blame society for not accpeting me when I "make others and teens aware" that this is something that they might want to explore. I dont get any extra protection under the law when a conflict arrises that may not hav anything to do with my choice for Mr Peppi and Pam.
I am truly sorry that free thinkers like myself, who express an opinion contracry to yours, is the reason to harbor your child in private school.
So much for open explorative discussion. Aint this a bitch - I can openly brag about fucking another guy up the ass (and demand societal acceptance), but get slammed for talking about how I feel it isn't a good thing to choose to do.
I hardly consider that I was "ranting". Discussing a topic, giving my perspective (one sided as it may be), but hardly ranting. If you want a rant, I'll bring up reverse discrimination and unfair protection under the law based on sexual preference. If a hetro gets into a fight with a homo over a parking space (and neither is aware of where the other guy like to stick little Pepito), the hetro will be charged with a hate crime, rahter than simple assault.
But, I digress - back to my replies -
As far an I know, it was not just the high schools that were required to post those signs. May be wrong here - I'll Google it later.
Free to condemn - hmmm - lets talk abou ttat one for a bit - Im not sure who said it, but I remember a quote that said "Freedom of speech is not only for speech that you like, but for even that which you disagree with". While I dont condone spreading hate , I DO feel that my child shoudl have a right to express his feelings, and state whether he sees somethign as right or wrong, IRREGARDLESS of whether you feel it is or not. Gays can be free to express their CHOICE - (we'l get back to this one in a sec too), but those of differing opinions will be punished for "hurting someones feelings".
Suicide rate: the loss of a child is a tragedy, regardless of any factor (like sexual preference). Ho wabout this - rather than blaming society (as many minorities do when looking to shirk responcibility), lets perhaps look at the factor of them choosing to follow a non-normal sexual lifestyle that causes them problems. Many people want to do shit that aint quite right in societies eyes - they need to deal with it, not chance society so they can be freaks.
CHOICE: Saying that people are "born gay" is the biggest crock of shit since "Read my lips - no new taxes". And exposing this variant lifestyle to teens and preteens only sets the stage for exploration and later regret. Wanna be gay? Fine. Be gay . Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up about out. I'd like to bang Pam Anderson, but I don't wear that on a teeshirt, or march in any "I bang Pam" parades, or whine and blame society for not accpeting me when I "make others and teens aware" that this is something that they might want to explore. I dont get any extra protection under the law when a conflict arrises that may not hav anything to do with my choice for Mr Peppi and Pam.
I am truly sorry that free thinkers like myself, who express an opinion contracry to yours, is the reason to harbor your child in private school.
So much for open explorative discussion. Aint this a bitch - I can openly brag about fucking another guy up the ass (and demand societal acceptance), but get slammed for talking about how I feel it isn't a good thing to choose to do.
At 12:44 PM,
Idaho Dad said…
Your commenter is confusing the word "condemn" with the word "judge".... I didn't read your post as a condemnation of anyone. You were simply expressing a personal judgement. But guess what? The PC crowd doesn't like any personal judgement that they don't agree with. They automatically label it as "hate speech" or condemnation. I believe that some people are born with their wiring mixed up and are naturally attracted to their own sex just as you and I are attracted to the opposite sex. But I also believe that the blatant display and discussion of sexuality have no place in our public schools. Education and tolerance, yes. But encouragement and celebration, no.
At 9:25 PM,
jen said…
Amen, Phil. I completely agree. Darth Daddy was just expressing an opinion. I don't think he was judging anyone. He was just expressing that that lifestyle is not for him and that he does not want his child being exposed to it in a school his taxes support. There's nothing condemning about that.
At 12:15 AM,
Steve S said…
Shannon, my SINCERE apologies for having angered you. I really didn't mean to. Peace, okay?
As to your comment about 'banging Pam', that's fine. I don't wear tshirts about banging anybody either. It's about family. I'm sorry that you don't get that.
The web is a public place. I'll leave, sorry to be problematic. Apparently there is no room here for alternate opinions (and I'm the one accused of not allowing differing opinions).
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