About Me
- Name: Darth Daddy
- Location: Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
hmm about me ...My world turned upside down when I became a dad - and I never realized that it was upside wrong until then. My goal is to enrich, educate, and enlighten my sons life with all the knowledge I have obtained - so that they may take it a step further.
Previous Posts
- Here, Gabe, you missed spot.
- Shot of my little artist hard at work on his newes...
- Everyone gets into the spirit when we watch a kung...
- While making pancakes, I noticed the face of a Sam...
- Surviving the heat
- The reason I called the last post the calming COW ...
- The calming cow
- With his combined strength - there'll be no one to...
- Another neat learning happening
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At 2:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Regarding the temps... Whats the normal where you're at since it always seems to be over 100 for at least a few weeks here in STL. And it seems like the tradition is livin' on!
At 11:55 PM,
Darth Daddy said…
Off hand, I'd estimate average July/Aug temps as being in the night 80's/mid 90's range. But we've been hitting high 90's to 110 recently - with no rain for almost a week and a half now.
We got some rain tonight - that cooled things down to the mid/high 80's.
My computer is in the attic - with no ac - and the temp up here has read 90-95 at night.
At 4:38 PM,
Margaret said…
There's that Momma!! I was wondering what the lady with her hands so full looked like! She's beautiful and now I know where those little darlings get their good looks!! Hehehe! -Margie
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