Adventures of Darth Daddy

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I should have wrote this earlier


How shoudl I put this? This movie, my dear children, sucks ass. I can't figure out if Depps portrayal of Wonka is gay or just lame. WHen they do closeups, I keep thinking he is an illigitemate sister of Velma (from the Scooby Do movies). The Umpa Loopma songs are lame. THe movie, as a whole, was a mahor disappointment.

I realize tat this movie is supposed to more closely follow the book than the original with Gene Wilder. Wonka is not suppose to simply be eccentric..he's supposed to have some serious mental issues. Depp shows this alright. But he's not likable. I loved the original because of hos likable Winder made the character. He talks to himself (as many of us with kids often do), and seems so matter of fact with things that seems "weird " to others. Depp just seemed weird...not intriuging....just weird.

Any of you SAHD's that havent bought this one yet...I'd stay clear of it. It didn't even hold my kids interest. And these are kids that are GLUED to the TV for the Wizard of Oz and Fantasia.

SPEAKING OF FANTASIA: I put the newer version in the dvd playyer, so the kids would have something to watch while I made them lunch, and it has become ( in the last 4 days) a demanded classic. The Sorcerors Apprentice and the Raphsody in Blue episodes are the favorites (the mine and the kids). What makes me the most happiest is that when we go out, and hear music, I ask Logan if he can "see" the pictures that the music is makign in his hear. He starts to tell me all sorts of stories about whatever he "sees". He's really got his imaginiation in gear.

BOOGER KING AND STAR WARS TOYS: The closest Burger King to us sucks. They have 2 black female mamagers that are ALWAYS there, ALWAYS on the register, and ALWAYS a bitch to my family and me. I really think they are racist. THey are nicer to other black customers, and seem bothered when we show up. THis is in part because of Star Wars toys. The slogan is "Collect them all", and we tried to. But these bitches were hoarding the Darth Vaders for themselves. And when I'd ask to see which toys they had this week, they acted like I was holding up a funeral procession. Mind you, there are only 4 toys at a time, so were not talking about rifling thru 20 different choices. Recently, to go along with the DVD release, BOOGERKING is giving 17 new SW toys away with Crappy Meal purchases. So again, I had to do battle with the assholes. BUt, after throwing a tantrum in their lobby, I finally got passed off to a worker (who found 2 Vaders in the box, and got us the other 2 that were new that week).

I went to a different Bk, and this one had a young white kid at the register. I thought that was a good sign..guess again. Lazy comes in all colors. I asked if they had any more Vaders (I know.I have 2 for each kid...but I wanted one for me too!). He said they were all gone. I asked which ones they had, and he said he didnt know. I made him look. (no one in line behind me...Im th eonly customer in the store....not like he has anyone else to wait on). He plops down 4 that I already have. I tell him "I have those already". He says "Dude....are you serious?!", like it was some painstaking effort for him to reach in a box and take out 4 toys! I figure Im out of luck, but he thinks that I want him to look more. He grabs the box, reaches in, grabs a middle divider board, and dumps about 50 toys onto the floor. He made an uneccesary mess, but in the process, reavealed the last hiding Darth Vader!! Hurray for ME!!!. I got that and a watch for the boy (for Xmas).

That was 2 days ago. Today , the boy wants to go back for more toys. I don't want to go to the racist BK, so we went to a 3rd one. This store was more expensive, so we left there, and went back to the "white guy" BK. TUrns out they had ANOTHER Vader..and 4 new toys (on of which the boy has been wanting the most.....Kit something...a weird alien Jedi with a green face and big eyes). So, the force was with us once again. Of course, all these Bk trips arent doign much for my "lose weight" campaign, but I figure it's a sacrafice for the kids.
**and I got my friggin Vader!!!**



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