Adventures of Darth Daddy

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Random Thoughts

I'm sitting here watching this big Home Make Over show, with Ty, and for the first 10 minutes, Im resenting that the wife got control of the remote before I did. The next 45 minutes Im wondering if any can watch this show without their eyes tearing up like mine are.

Both my boys are a few days into a cold. Runny noses are reaking havok on them. The last few night Lance has woke up around 1 or 2am and cried/screamed for hours. Cant figure out if it's that he has bad gas (we give him gas relief stuf anyways), or an upset tummy, or that his refusals to take longer daytime naps are making it hard for him to sleep. Takes him about 2 hours to get back to sleep. Last night I wasn't sure whether to call a Dr or an exorcist.

A few days ago, Rosa Parks passed away. I wonder if they had to drive the hearse backwards.

If you'll remember, for my anniversary, the wife asked for me to hang up a spice rack above our stove. I asked her to not kil me in my sleep. We just saw a preview for Desperate Housewives, and the actress said "My husband died thinking that I killed him." My wife almost peed herself laughing at that. I got up and installed that goddamned spice rack. Then I reminded her of my gift.

Gotta get check on the boys.....sounds like a lunber mill in there, with all the snoring. Catch ya'l later..



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